R Programming

Last updated

September 9, 2020


April 24, 2024

Basic concepts

Data structure

General functions

dir()                            # Show the directory
getwd()                          # Check working directory
setwd()                          # Change working directory
data()                           # Load built-in dataset
view()                           # View the entire dataset
tail()                           # Just show the last 6 rows
class()                          # Check the class of an R object
str()                            # Display internal structure of an R object
length()                         # Give length of a vector
dim()                            # View the number of rows and columns of a matrix or a data frame
names()                          # List names of variables in a data frame
set.seed()                       # Generate random number seed to make sure the results do not change.
ls()                             # list the variables in the workspace
rm()                             # remove the variable from workspace
rm(list = ls())                  # remove all the variables from the workspace
list.files()                     # List the filename under specific directory
.libPaths()                      # R installation site
help(package="")                 # Check the functions of R library
system.file(package=“dagdata”)   # Extract the location of package
colnames(installed.packages())   # list the installed packages

Best practise for R coding

  • Variables = my_variable
  • Functions = RunThisStuffs()
  • Constants = CONSTANTS
  • Use 4 spaces (and not tab) for indentations
  • Always writing documentation above function definition
  • A function should not be longer than one screen
  • Avoid using for loop, learn lapply and vector operations
  • Never ever use hard-coded variables in functions
  • ### ====== to divide function blocks
  • ### ------ to divide parts in a function
  • Name and style code consistently
  • rm(list =ls()) and gc() to tidy up its memory
  • Don’t save a session history
  • Keep track of sessionInfo() in project folder
  • Use version control

ggplot2 Variable repacement

!!as.name(), get(), !!sym(), .data[[]]

data <- data.frame(
  x = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
  y = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
  group = c("A", "A", "B", "B")

color_var <- "group"
ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y, color = !!as.name(color_var))) +
ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y, color = get(color_var))) +

ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y, color = !!sym(color_var))) +

ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y, color = .data[[color_var]])) +
